My Achievements


  • Boxing Logic - developed custom modules using SuiteScript for handling specific boxing logic for a wholesale distribution company in the Sports Equipment space. This allowed the company to maximize their efficiency in packing boxes for customer shipments as well as generating labels and packing slips in one seamless process.
  • Channel Export Module – developed custom modules using SuiteScript for generating XML and/or CSV feeds to Amazon, eBay, NewEgg, Sears, Rakuten, and WalMart and communicating with each of these platform’s API using either REST or SOAP calls via SuiteScript. The data for the feeds are generated using NetSuite’s saved search functionality. Using custom records, each channel’s record specification or XSD was built using mapping of data from NetSuite to the appropriate feeds fields and properties. This sped up the integration of channels resulting in minimal set up and integration. These mappings generated catalog, inventory, and pricing feeds that were sent to each channel at specified intervals.
  • Channel Import Module – developed custom modules using SuiteScript for consuming XML feeds via SOAP/REST APIs from each of the channels such as Amazon, eBay, NewEgg, Sears, Rakuten, and WalMart. Using custom records, the data from the XML feeds was mapped to NetSuite custom records to the corresponding XML feed fields resulting in a streamlined process of bringing in customer orders from those channels. The result is a more efficient way of processing sales orders into the NetSuite system.
  • Real-Time Inventory Update Modules – developed custom modules using SuiteTalk via C# code to talk to NetSuite’s API. Using SuiteTalk, saved searches from NetSuite provided the data stream which was processed by C# code to aggregate and manipulate outside of NetSuite to finally update NetSuite custom fields. These processes resulted in timely updates to several custom fields which would not have been efficient using SuiteScript.
  • CSV Upload via custom interface – developed custom interface for uploading CSV files with associated saved CSV import specs which submitted the CSV import jobs to NetSuite eventually ending up in custom records for sales order processing.
  • Bronto custom form – developed custom interface for querying the Bronto API for transactional emails which were crucial to improving the customer experience in terms of notifications for order and shipment confirmations.
  • Hourly Sales Report – developed the hourly sales report for gross sales by class to represent the sales orders that have been processed through the system to help management get a big picture of daily sales.
  • Replenishment Reports – developed custom saved searches coupled with scheduled scripts using SuiteScript to allow sales staff to monitor inventory and make decisions on which products need to generate inventory transfer orders for replenishing inventory on Amazon.
  • Data export – developed custom Oracle PL/SQL scripts for CSV imports into NetSuite for seeding items, vendors, customers, and sales orders.
  • Min/Max Module – developed custom C# code to generate transfer orders for inventory transfers for replenishing item quantities for brick and mortar store.
  • Credit Card Swipe Module – developed custom SuiteScript code to facilitate the swiping of credit card information into NetSuite customer payment record for brick and mortar store operations in the absence of an integrated POS module.
  • Walmart and eBay API integration – developed custom SuiteScript 2.0 code (RESTlets) to handle communication with Walmart and eBay REST APIs as well as calling a custom web service written in C# .NET to handle token authentication for eBay and signature generation for Walmart that could not be handled by SuiteScript modules.
  • Custom List scripting – developed custom SuiteScript 2.0 code to create custom lists using a CSV file as data source that helped reduce the number of manual entry man hours.
  • Custom record custom fields scripting – developed custom SuiteScript 2.0 code to create custom fields for custom records using a CSV file as data source that helped reduce the number of manual entry man hours.
  • Transfer Order/Work Order – developed custom SuiteScript 2.0 code utilizing map/reduce scripts, suitelet, and client-side Javascript combined with saved search functionality to generate process to create transfer orders and corresponding assembly work orders for both inventory and assembly items.
  • Automated Billing – developed custom SuiteScript 2.0 code utilizing map/reduce scripts to automate sales order and cash sales billing saving manhours that would have been devoted to manually triggering invoice and billing processes.
  • TaxJar integration – developed custom SuiteScript 2.0 code to replace AVATAX modules for sales tax calculation for sales orders, cash invoice, invoices, return authorizations, and cost estimates.
  • SQL data integration – developed custom SuiteScript 2.0 Suitelet to pull data from SQL server using native NetSuite form functionality. SQL data was pulled from Oracle database which contained sales history transactions.
  • Amazon Report Integration – developed custom SuiteScript 2.0 modules to request, download, and process several Amazon Reports related to inventory and sales history as well as pricing data for updating custom NetSuite fields to track inventory and sales history as well as pricing for items.
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